Frankie administering the foul shot

Tameika during the National Anthem of the Championship Game.

Tameika signaling Time Out at midcourt.

Eric Blair indicating who committed the foul in the playoff contest.

Tameika lettng the table know number 23 is guilty of the foul.

Dan Robinson in anticipation of the start of the championship game.

Dan Robinson, the State Interpreter meeting with the P.I.A.A.

Eric Blair says "One Shot."

Dara ready to jump it up to start the game.

Aaron, Rich, and Donnie, Championship Crew.

Ricco Davis, Tameika Howard, and Paul Dorsey, outstanding veteran crew. 

Paul and Ricco, two of the best from Pittsburgh Urban.

Erin running situations over in his mind, before the start of the playoff game.

Paul Dorsey, always on top of his game. 

Jen, letting the team know, "First Horn."

Dan representing Pittsburgh Urban with P.I.A.A. Administrators.

Rob letting both teams know, "The Ball's Out Right Here."

Rob taking time to smile during a timeout of the championship game.

Frank ready for action before the start of the championship game.